Upper Airway Muscle Training supports the treatment of OSA

Are you interested in helping researchers understand more about obstructive sleep apnoea and develop new treatments?

Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health is seeking healthy people with sleep apnoea (men and women) aged 18-70 years old to take part in a study on upper airway muscle training.

Participants will be given a series of upper airway exercises to improve airway function over 12 weeks.

The study will involve:

  • 2 overnight sleep studies in the sleep laboratory at the start and end of the study
  • 5 x 1-hour visits to the clinic over 3 months for muscle training and muscle assessments
  • Completion of a muscle training diary

Participants will be reimbursed up to $400 for their participation. For more information about the study, please contact:

Emma Wallace

(08) 8201 7717

[email protected]

This study has been reviewed by the Southern Adelaide Clinical Human Research Ethics Committee.

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